Katatetori Aihanmi Ikkyo Omote Waza
Katatedori - Hand catch
Aihammi – Mutual stance. Partners stand facing one another with the same foot forward, i.e. right/right
Ikkyo – First pinning technique or lock
Omote-waza – Techniques which goes forward or to uke’s front
Uke Waza (Blocks)
Blocking is the act of halting or diverting an opponent's assault in order to avoid harmful contact with the body. A block is generally accomplished by crossing a limb over the assault line.
Kiba Dachi Chuudan Tsuki (Horse Stance Punch)
Punching during horse stance position. It's most often utilized for punching practice or leg and back strengthening.
Kiba Dachi Uke Waza (Horse Stance Block)
Blocking during horse stance position. Horse stance is also known as straddle-leg stance or side stance. This technique helps to improve stability, balance and core strength.
Shiko (Knee Walk)
This basic exercise coordinates the body to move by using the knees. It helps to strengthen and stretch the lower body.
Kokyo Nage (Breath Power Throw)
Exhale and relax your body in a calm martial awareness to begin the technique. You inhale the ki or energy that your partner emits as soon as he attacks.
Katatetori Gyakuhanmi Kokyo-nage
Katatedori - Hand catch
Gyaku-hammi - Partners stand facing each other in the opposite stance
kokyu-nage = A throw in which nage employs both his thoughts and body to toss uke.
Ukemi (Break Fall)
A breakfall is a maneuver used to avoid hurting oneself when landing. If a roll isn't possible, using "slapping" breakfalls to absorb the impact is the best option
Yokomenuchi (Side Head Strike)
This movement is used in several Aikido techniques to learn countering attacks to the side of the head.
Shomenuchi (Front Head Strike)
This movement is used in several Aikido techniques to learn countering attacks to the head.
Uke and Tsuki Waza (Block and Punch)
This is a Karate technique used to counter frontal attacks.
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Kick)
This is a Karate technique used to attack the side of the body.
Mawashi Geri (Turning Kick)
This is a Karate technique done at a 45 degrees angle.
Mae Geri (Front Kick)
This is a Karate technique used for frontal attacks
Ikkyo Omote Waza (Shadow Movement)
Ikkyo – First pinning technique or lock
Omote-waza – Techniques which goes forward or to uke’s front